All Treatments

Medical Largest Healthcare Solution
- Vaginal Hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
- Open Hysteroctomy
- Urinary Incontinence Problems
- Prolapse of the Uterus and Bladder
- Perineal Tears
- Myomas
- Ovarian (Ovarian Cysts)
- Endometriosis
- Congenital Vagina - Uterus Absence
- V-Notes
Gynaecological Oncology
- Uterine Cancer (Endometrium Cancer)
- Cervical Cancer (Cervical Cancer)
- Ovarian Cancer
- External Genital Organ Cancer
- Precancerous Formations
- Women's Cancers
- Fertility Protective Treatments
Cosmetic Gynaecology
- Labioplasty
- Vulva Aesthetics
- Vaginal Aesthetics
- Vaginoplasty
- Clitoral Hood Reduction
- Perineoplasty
Urology Surgeries in Children
- Hypospadias
- Gender Confusion Correction Surgery
- Urinary Incontinence
- Cliteroplasty
- Vaginoplasty
- Correction of Penile Curvature
- Closed and Open Operations for Vesicoureteral Reflux
- Correction of Ureteropelvic Stricture
- Correction of Ureterovesical Stricture
- Interventions for Neurogenic Bladder
- Bladder Augmentation from the Intestine
- Cloacal Extrophy
Inguinal and Abdominal Surgeries in Children
- Inguinal Hernia
- Hydrocele
- Undescended Testicle
- Biliary Atresia
- Choledochal Cyst
- Invagination
General Surgeon
- Stapler Haemorrhoidopexy
- Sutureless Haemorrhoid Surgery
- Medical and Surgical Treatment of Thyroid Diseases
- Laparoscopic Splenectomy
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Hemorrhoids
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Diseases
- Breast Conserving Surgery
- Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
- Reflux Surgery
Plastic Surgery
- Preoperative 3D Modelling
- Hair Transplant
- Eyelid Aesthetics (Blepharoplasty)
- Breast Aesthetics (Mammoplasty)
- Abdominal Aesthetics (Abdominoplasty)
- Ear Aesthetics (Otoplasty)
- Male Breast Aesthetics (Gynaecomastia)
- Fat Suction (Liposuction)
- Facelift (Rhytidectomy)
- Body Aesthetics (Arm-Leg Stretching)
- Lip Fillers
- Hand Surgery and Replantation
- Botox
- Male Specific Reconstructive Surgery
- Penis Enlargement
- Penis Thickening
- Penis Deformity Removal
- Premature Ejaculation
- Hair Transplant
- Male Breast Aesthetics (Gynaecomastia)
Ear Nose Throat Surgery
- Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics)
- Revision Rhinoplasty
- Septoplasty
- Adenoid with Coblator Plasma Technique and Tonsil Surgery
- Ear Ventilation Tube Application
Check Up
- Comprehensive Female Check Up
- Comprehensive Male Check Up
- Comprehensive Child Check Up
- Over 40 Check Up